This season one of the strongest fashion trends is the mixing of different types of patterns in the one garment and/or in the one outfit. Virtually all the chain stores, budget or otherwise, and up-market designers have embraced the idea. The Creative style personalities amongst us will think this is fantastic and you will be spoilt for choice. Classic women, in the main, will dismiss the idea as faddish. After all mixing patterns has been considered taboo in style terms, but not this Spring/Summer! Please note however, it is still a high risk exercise. Done well and you will look current, youthful and modern. Done badly and you could wind up looking like a dog's breakfast.
Style Tips
If you want to be on trend or you're looking to liven up your wardrobe, here are a few tips for mixing and matching patterns successfully.
- CREATE COHESION. The different patterns should share
similar, if not the same colours.
- VARY THE SCALE. You will look way more stylish in patterns that are of different sizes. Avoid mixing little prints with little prints or large prints with large prints.
- MAKE ONE PATTERN THE STAR. One pattern should definitely stand out or dominate. Mixing scale is a great way to ensure this.
- CONSIDER LIMITING THE MIX TO TWO. It's not that you can't mix more, it's just that it is harder to pull this off - not impossible , just harder.
- ACCESSORISE WITH SOLID COLOURS. Use the colour of your shoes and bag to accent the dominant colour scheme in the print. When you combine a solid with patterns, this creates a visual space for the eye to rest.
- BE BRAVE. Follow this trend only if you have the courage to do so boldly. If you feel hesitant or ambivalent, it will show and the effectiveness of your visual image will be diminished.
Any designer worth their salt, will be very well versed in these principles. So, unless you're very sure of yourself, let the designers do the hard work and buy garments where the pattern combinations have been made for you. The experts do know what they are doing.
Good luck and have some fun with mixing and matching this season. But one word of caution; don't spend big dollars on a fashion forward garment that could very quickly become 'so yesterday' !!!