Image Consultants –De-cluttering Your Wardrobe

Psychologists say that a messy house trashed with useless clutter is an abstract representation of many lives.  According to Feng Shui clutter is stuck energy and the inability to move forward. This all sounds rather deep, however what resonates with many of us is the fact that when one makes the decision to de-clutter they can experience overwhelming feelings of panic. Often it’s the case of where to start and then how do you decide what’s trash or treasure? There are experts to help and guide you through the de- cluttering process. One such expert is an Image Consultant. They can’t help much with organizing your kitchen or office but they can be invaluable in your wardrobe.

Image Consultants would agree that de- cluttering your wardrobe makes so much sense. To clean out your existing wardrobe and eliminate all things that are of no use to you may sound a little distressing but it is an important step in the process of reorganization. In every woman’s wardrobe there are clothes with invisible guilty tags attached to them. They lie in wait for you to remind you of how much money you paid for them and how few times they have been worn. Keeping these clothes will actually cost you money and take up valuable space in your wardrobe.

You have decided to change your buying habits and bad clothing purchases will become a thing of the past. So it’s time to forgive yourself and give them away. Take a close look at the items in your wardrobe and put each item into the following categories:-

  1. Items to keep
  • Those that require no alterations to fit
  • Those that are in harmony with your personality
  • Those that are comfortable to wear to wear and fit well
  • Those that flatter your figure and make you feel good
  • Those that are in good condition and repair
  1. Items that need attention
  • Those with missing buttons and fallen hems etc
  • Those that are soiled
  • Those that require alteration
  • Those that require another item to be purchased before it can be worn
  1. Items that need to be given away or discarded
  • Any item that is now too small or too large
  • Any item that is out of date
  • Any item unworn for three years
  • Any item that no longer fits your lifestyle needs
  • Any item that is an unflattering style
  • Items in colours that are unflattering on you
  • Anything you hate when you put it on

Now stand back and take a deep breath. How liberating does it feel to be rid of that dead weight and look at that new space in your wardrobe! Now before you rush out to buy more clothes make an inventory of what is left. Determine what you need to buy in order to expand your wardrobe options. An Image Consultant will then also help you to shop wisely explore all the possible combinations you can make with existing garments and any new purchases.