What to Pack

So, you're going on a fabulous holiday and now it’s time to work out just what you are going to pack. You throw open the wardrobe and so many options stare back at you. You slide the hangers to the right and left, waiting for inspiration but it doesn’t come. About now, all of ten minutes into the task you decide a cup of coffee is needed but of course this is just a procrastinating manoeuvre. The truth is you really don’t know where to start, so not starting seems the obvious solution.

We do most things in life more effectively and efficiently when we have a plan. Packing for a holiday is no different.

The first step in planning your holiday wardrobe is to decide on your colour scheme. 

I.            Choose one neutral shade to be your core colour e.g. black, grey, navy, camel.

      II.            Choose two colours that look great with your core neutral and, very importantly

Grey is the core neutral. Green and pink are the mix n match colours.
Grey is the core neutral. Green and pink are the mix n match colours.

look great with each other.

By doing this:

a)      You reduce the number of shoes and accessories that you need.

b)      You maximise your outfits with a minimum of garments.

Take a look at this wardrobe capsule and see how many combinations can be put together.