Wardrobe De-tox

Gone are the clothes that:

  • Don’t suit your body shape, colouring or personality.
  • Are left over from another decade.
  • Were supposed to be a bargain.
  • Are waiting for you to regain your ‘youthful’ figure.

We wear 20% of our wardrobe, 80% of the time!

For many of us our wardrobes resemble a stock take rack and in truth only contain a few items that really make us feel good. We wear these few items most of the time leaving the others to hang silent and unloved in the dark recesses of our closets. We constantly add to our wardrobes with more bargains and ‘that’ll do’ items and still ‘have nothing to wear’. Success, when we have it, is more luck than good management and finding garments that make us look great seems to be more difficult with each passing year.

Wardrobe De-tox: $175 for 2hrs $75 for additional hr

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An Absolutely Fabulous Wardrobe Detox can change all that. We will:

  • Clean out the existing clutter
  • Determine what is appropriate for your body shape and colouring
  • Determine what suits your personality
  • Determine what suits your lifestyle
  • Discover the exisiting mix and match options in your wardrobe
  • Create new and different outfits with the clothes you already have
  • Determine what items need to be purchased to fill in the gaps

Wardrobe Organisation – $175.00 for two hours, $75 per additional hour