We've all made the occasional sartorial mistake at some time or other. Many of us older girls can probably remember a few cringe worthy moments in our youth. So, in the interest of looking fabulous from here on in, ...here is one of AbFab’s ”don’t go there” tips; unco-ordinated colours. For example, when you wear a pair of shoes in a fabulous colour but it does not connect with any other part of your outfit, the shoes become an eye catching focal point. Sure it's great to have people admiring your shoes but not if the rest of you is completely overlooked. The result is not an harmonious and balanced visual image. Harmony and balance adds up to stylish in the fashion world. So, when adding colour to your outfit, aim for at least two points of connection, though three is preferable. Remember, nail polish and lipstick can each count. A little black dress worn with killer red heels, red nails and red nail polish would be spot on the money. BTW this ‘rule’ doesn’t really apply to neutrals, we’re talking colours here. Check out our assessment of the two outfits here and see what you think. Because in the end it has to be said, if you like it, wear it!