It may be a little over the top to suggest that colour consultants can change your life, however, they can change your visual image, the way you shop and your wardrobe. A personal Colour Analysis by a qualified Colour Consultant can be highly informative and enlightening. The consultant will increase your awareness and appreciation of colour and how it impacts on you. In many instances she will confirm what you already know; she may articulate what you have sensed to be true about your own colouring and the colours that attract you.
Colour Consultants can explain the three qualities of colour; temperature, intensity and depth.
The temperature of a colour refers to the presence of yellow (warm) or its absence (cool). The intensity refers to a colour’s light reflecting properties; highly reflective colour is bright while matte shades are muted. The depth of a colour is the most obvious trait to observe.
The colours that will best suit you are those colours that share the same qualities that you possess. For example if your overall depth of colour is medium, then you will be best suited to colours that are of medium depth. If the intensity of your colouring is muted, then you will be flattered by colours that are muted, softened or toned down. The fairer you are the more disconnected and unbalanced you will appear when very deep colours are placed below your face. Conversely, when someone with very strong and deep colouring wears pale colours they will appear drained by these shades. A colour consultant explains and demonstrates the quality of colour by a visual assessment of her client and the draping process. This allows you to see the impact of colours and their varying characteristics on you.
The knowledge and understanding that you acquire from a colour consultant will effect some very positive changes in your appearance, shopping habits and wardrobe organisation. When you embrace the colours that harmonise and balance your own colouring you will appear healthier, younger and more vital. Your skin tone will be more radiant and your complexion more even. Minor imperfections recede and the colour of your eyes and hair will be intensified.
You will find colour to be a great starting point when you hit the shops. A quick scan of the racks in your favourite boutique or department store will reveal whether there’s the likelihood of finding something fabulous. If the colours are not for you, there is no point in looking at the styles. …Move on!
Back in the wardrobe at home, use colour as your way of organising and arranging your garments. Keep your neutral coloured items together and then group similar coloured garments together. Its great when all your black camis and tops are in the one drawer and not spread throughout your cupboard. When colour is the system you are working with, your clothes will remain in a logical and accessible order. This great strategy will serve you well on those mornings when the alarm doesn’t go off, the cat has disappeared and you’ve burnt the toast.!!!
So, will a Colour Consultation change your life? That’s still debatable, however what is absolutely certain, is that she will impact your life in a very positive way.
A Colour Consultant is a skilled colour analyst who is able to inspire others to enjoy the benefits of perceptive colour selection. They are able to demonstrate how and why some colours enhance a person’s appearance, giving them a look of health, youth and vitality, while other colours detract, leaving the wearer looking tired, old and ill.
Colour Consultants can also be regarded as being part of a helping profession. Many women seek the advice of a Colour Consultant at times of great change in their lives. It may be a divorce, illness or loss of a job. The aim of our service and consultations is to empower our clients, make them feel stronger and more confident in themselves, to look good and feel great.
During your Colour Consultation you will find out:
A Colour consultant will determine what colours are best for an individual by looking at the following areas:
Your colour consultation takes approximately 90 minutes. By the end of this you will have an understanding and have visually witnessed what colours look great on you. You will also be presented with a swatch which is a wheel of 50 plus colours. How you wear and combine these colours are only limited by your imagination. It is advised to have faith in this swatch because when you purchase items of clothing worn close to the face in your “right colours” they will have an absolutely positive impact on your face. This also applies to your accessories, i.e earrings, necklaces and scarves, and make-up.
It’s one thing to be given this beautiful swatch of colours but now you have to learn how to apply it to the clothes in your wardrobe and to all the clothing and make-up purchases you will make in the future.
It may take up to five years of conscious effort to develop a wardrobe that is colour correct and coordinated so take it one step at a time. If you have a wardrobe full of the wrong colours , make each new purchase a right one and before too long it will all come together. Your colour consultation will not only discover your true fabulous colours but you will be able to shop smart and effectively with a mistake ratio of zero. Ultimately ending up with a wardrobe full of favourites and 100% effective instead of wearing 20% of your wardrobe 80% of the time.