Whist we can wear most colours, Colour Consultants will tell you that it is the specific hue, clarity and undertone that cause some colours to make your skin glow with and your eyes sparkle with life. The wrong colours will dull your complexion and emphasize skin imperfections and make you look older. Some of us think we look old enough without colour adding on some years.
Great colours are those that:
Colour consultants clarify how a colour analysis can help co-ordinate your wardrobe. Planning your wardrobe around your best core colours gives you maximum wardrobe flexibility. Core colours include black, white, grey, beige, navy, mahogany, red brown, camel and brown. These colours are very versatile and can be used anywhere, anytime. For versatility and interest add a range of basic colours. These colours add life and interest to your core colours. They are best used next to your face. Basic colours include reds, blues, yellows and greens in medium to dark shades.
Professional Colour Consultants will determine your best colours and provide you with a colour swatch to take shopping. This will help you to purchase clothes in the right colours, intensity and contrast so that shopping becomes a breeze.
When you go to your wardrobe, do you see a closet full of clothes that have been carefully collected to harmoniously mix and match with each other, or doing you see clothing chaos? Creating wardrobe clusters is a great way to make your life much easier when it comes to recognizing what you need to purchase to achieve an interesting and effective wardrobe.
There are many ways to look younger. From anti-wrinkle creams to cosmetic surgery, and all of them offer some hope in the quest to defy our aging appearance. Another consideration and a much less expensive option is finding out how Colour Consultants can make a difference to your appearance and how they can make you look younger.
Colour Consultants won’t deny that lots of things help give you a more youthful appearance. Skin care treatments, anti-aging creams, Botox, cosmetic surgery, a healthy diet, exercise, drinking lots of water and sleep all affect the way we look.
But most important of all is knowing and understanding what colours will make you look fabulous and what colours will make you look tired and sick. All sounds a bit mysterious? Well it isn’t really.
The impact of colour should never be underestimated. Colour consultants are able to inspire others to enjoy the benefits of perceptive colour selection. We admire and appreciate the existence of our colourful world. We take pleasure from watching the colours of a setting sun. We are fascinated by the beauty of a rainbow or a field of spring flowers.
Many of us even have a basic understanding that colour is not only seen but felt. The whole experience of colour is influenced not only by light energy that enters the eye from our surroundings, but also by subjective factors from within the brain. So is it any wonder we can even have positive or negative reactions to colour. For example the colour red can evoke feelings of excitement or threat. Yellow can be associated with cheerfulness or apathy and purple can relate to Royalty or depression. These are just to name a few as there can be almost as many reactions and responses as there are actual hues.
So why does colour have such a profound effect on our appearance? Colour is reflective , and when worn near the face reflects up onto the skin, hair and eyes. When a colour is worn that is in harmony with a personal natural colouring, that person will appear healthier, brighter, more youthful and alive. The human eye responds positively to harmony and balance. It is aesthetically pleasing when colours relate to each other in some orderly logical way. In fact wearing the wrong colours can give the wearer the appearance of being older, unwell, and tired. So don’t reach for the expensive face creams or sign up for the Botox just yet. Simply find out what colours look great on you.
Colour Consultants can make us look younger because they have an understanding of certain areas of our colouring that are important and should be considered in combination. That is skin, natural hair colour and eye colour and intensity. We all have the elements that make up our colouring in varying amounts, i.e. hemoglobin, carotene and melanin.
Because the human eye responds positively to harmony and balance and it is aesthetically pleasing when colours relate to each other, it is logical then that the information from Colour consultants would be of huge benefit in the quest to look younger.
It may be a little over the top to suggest that colour consultants can change your life, however, they can change your visual image, the way you shop and your wardrobe. A personal Colour Analysis by a qualified Colour Consultant can be highly informative and enlightening. The consultant will increase your awareness and appreciation of colour and how it impacts on you. In many instances she will confirm what you already know; she may articulate what you have sensed to be true about your own colouring and the colours that attract you.
Colour Consultants can explain the three qualities of colour; temperature, intensity and depth.
The temperature of a colour refers to the presence of yellow (warm) or its absence (cool). The intensity refers to a colour’s light reflecting properties; highly reflective colour is bright while matte shades are muted. The depth of a colour is the most obvious trait to observe.
The colours that will best suit you are those colours that share the same qualities that you possess. For example if your overall depth of colour is medium, then you will be best suited to colours that are of medium depth. If the intensity of your colouring is muted, then you will be flattered by colours that are muted, softened or toned down. The fairer you are the more disconnected and unbalanced you will appear when very deep colours are placed below your face. Conversely, when someone with very strong and deep colouring wears pale colours they will appear drained by these shades. A colour consultant explains and demonstrates the quality of colour by a visual assessment of her client and the draping process. This allows you to see the impact of colours and their varying characteristics on you.
The knowledge and understanding that you acquire from a colour consultant will effect some very positive changes in your appearance, shopping habits and wardrobe organisation. When you embrace the colours that harmonise and balance your own colouring you will appear healthier, younger and more vital. Your skin tone will be more radiant and your complexion more even. Minor imperfections recede and the colour of your eyes and hair will be intensified.
You will find colour to be a great starting point when you hit the shops. A quick scan of the racks in your favourite boutique or department store will reveal whether there’s the likelihood of finding something fabulous. If the colours are not for you, there is no point in looking at the styles. …Move on!
Back in the wardrobe at home, use colour as your way of organising and arranging your garments. Keep your neutral coloured items together and then group similar coloured garments together. Its great when all your black camis and tops are in the one drawer and not spread throughout your cupboard. When colour is the system you are working with, your clothes will remain in a logical and accessible order. This great strategy will serve you well on those mornings when the alarm doesn’t go off, the cat has disappeared and you’ve burnt the toast.!!!
So, will a Colour Consultation change your life? That’s still debatable, however what is absolutely certain, is that she will impact your life in a very positive way.